Our Chiropractic Blog — Page 4

Sciatica Treatment

The sciatic nerve comes from nerves called the sacral plexus. These nerves travel to the sacrum and lumbar regions of the body. The sciatic nerve is actually a bundle of two nerves, the tibial and common peroneal nerves...

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What Is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a form of holistic health care that focuses attention on disorders and ailments of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. They also delve into the effects of these disorders on the human body’s health...

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Upper Back Pain Relief

“My neck is hurting again!?" Do you ever find yourself thinking this? Did you know that neck pain often comes from tension in the upper shoulders? Unlike our cars, our bodies are an interconnected network of physiological processes...

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Chiropractic Care For Sports Injuries

There are two different kinds of sports injuries: acute and chronic. Even acute injuries can be a result of repetitive wear and tear. Chronic injuries are easier to notice because they tend to be more severe and cause more pain...

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Asthma Treatment

Asthma, according to some recent estimates, affects more than 300 million people worldwide and 22 million people in the United States. It does affect those of all ages and mostly begins in childhood. Some possible factors linked to...

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Tennis Elbow Treatment

Do you have pain in your arm, even when you don’t go to the gym? Does your elbow hurt even if you don’t play tennis? Even when you rest do these pains stay with you? This condition is common in people who play racquet sports...

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Chronic Stress And The Chiropractic Approach

It is true that chiropractic approach can help people cope with chronic stress. Chronic stress occurs when stress levels do not go down as they are meant to. Our bodies are hardwired to confront anxious or stressful situations...

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Carpal Tunnel Pain

What you may be experiencing is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Symptoms may start gradually and increase with frequency, with the thumb, index and middle fingers the most affected. Your ability to grip is even decreased, which is a scary...

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